Greetings to all!
The cool thing to do now is to go into schools and shoot a bunch of little girls! There were three such acts in the USA in one week. One resulted in 5 Amish girls getting killed. At another, sexual abuse was involved. The cops stormed the school. Guy shoots girls, guy kills himself. A cowardly act at its best. I feel that copycat, outlandish acts such as school shootings occur (more than three in one week) due to the media coverage. Most of the individuals that do extreme killing were people that were not widely accepted by their peers and generally unrecognized in society. America with its celebrity worshiping has spawned another type of celebrity. Killers that seek to be famous. To hold the nation's attention, to get what they can't get in everyday life. Recognition! Recognition and attention are needs of the human psyche. If not met leads to unwanted feelings and insecurity. A person then will engage in actions to ease these unwanted feelings and to gain what they lack. How some choose to do it is the problem. But why the kids? The kids always pay. Mom kills kids! Dad gets mad at mom, kills mom, kids and self! Guy wants to end it all, goes to school to rape and kill some little girls and kill himself. (Long sigh) You want to kill yourself that bad, cut the chase and just do it, no need to take someone with you. If a person wants some attention do it in front of the white house or something! But leave the kids alone! I am not advocating suicide, I'm just saying…And the world turns!
The American Bar Association issued revised guidelines for the appointment of defense attorneys in Capital cases (death penalty cases). The new guidelines require that two attorneys be provided an investigator and a mitigation specialist in every case with full funding to the defense. No state has yet to set standards that meet these minimum requirements! That is a key problem in Capital cases. Lack of funding! My lawyer had to pay for several experts in my trial as the court would not do it! It is very rare for a lawyer to do that. My trial lawyers didn't want to see me get executed. They spent most of their time on me not getting the death penalty. That a lot was overlooked in the establishment of innocence. Lawyers understand how dangerous the Law of Parties is. There is just almost no way to win! So they felt that if they saved my life that was a win. We had many arguments about that! I was saying, "To hell with the punishment phase, I want all focus to be on getting a not guilty verdict." That is why I got so much that is wrong with my case in regards of what shows I couldn't have done it. Plus a lot of people would not talk to my lawyers! FBI agents wouldn't, witnesses for the prosecution wouldn't. They couldn't get money that was needed and so on! Other cases it is a lot worse! One person that was executed in Oklahoma had a lawyer that had never tried a Capital case and was only paid $800.00! Both of my lawyers got around $70,000 and that was with an agreed pay cut! I was given just one lawyer and he told the judge he would take a pay cut of another lawyer would be appointed. He knew there was NO WAY he could have handled my case alone. Two lawyers were still overwhelmed because I have a complicated case. Anyways, the point is that majority of the cases would end in not guilty verdicts or life sentence if the defense was properly funded. The prosecution has unlimited funds! On appeal federal lawyers are given only $35,000! My trial record is over 8,000 pages. Psychological records and case records, as well as family history together are around 7,000 pages. So my federal lawyer would have to go through 15,000 pages! Interview dozens of witnesses and have several forensic tests conducted all for $35,000! What's even worse is that the state writ attorneys only get $25,000! That is the most important part of the appeal. That is the part of my appeal that was recently denied. That is the part that "I" had to file everything that shows I am innocent because I couldn't get my lawyer and crack smoking investigator to! (For those just tuning in to Loud and Clear Yes, my investigator smoked crack with witnesses and filed numerous false statements in "MY" appeal which lead to it being denied and destroyed some of my appeal claims. Please read all my past articles.)
Northwestern University Law center on wrongful convictions document at least 38 executions carried out in the United States in spite of clear evidence of innocence or reasonable doubt of actual guilt, since the death penalty was reinstated. Now these are out of the cases that were actually studied! A lot of guys get no attention. What about the mentally impaired defendants that can't cry out!? The law says that a defendant is responsible for the lawyer! The lawyer makes a mistake the defendant has to pay for it! Example; if a lawyer doesn't file something the defendant can be procedurally barred for presenting the evidence later in the appeal and can be executed! What if the defendant is mentally retarded? See there is no safety net for such! The courts have said that innocence does not matter so long as the defendant received a fair trial, Uh-okay! If a person is innocent and was found guilty how is that a fair trial?
There is a quote by the United States Supreme Court that basically states the same thing. But that innocence does not justify an appeal or something along those lines. I will find it and post it. The point of it all is that the system is stacked against us. Help from people from the outside is a need! If it would not have been for such people I couldn't have gotten the ballistics report that shows I couldn't have been the shooter. Now I am trying to get a lawyer, not one that is court appointed! It is an uphill battle and time is not on my side. Well on to other topics.
In a past article I wrote about selling crack cocaine and associating with a street gang. The factor to pay attention to is how I said it. About selling crack I mentioned that reality set in real fast. That means I had a change of heart and gave up that business pursuit. About the gangs. I wrote "I have…" That means that I did at one point in time, but no longer do. It was really only a short time period in my life. When I went to another state to stay with my father in Texas, I spent most of my life in a small town. That was the whole point of me making mention of emulating media figures. I just wanted to clear that up. As a couple mentioned something about it to me. Anyways, topic change.
If I wrote all about how good of a person I am and all the good deeds I have done in my life most would cast doubt on that claim. If I wrote about shooting people, selling drugs, stealing and so forth majority would be quick to believe it. But the factor to focus on is that majority would "want" for it to be true. Why? because if I am a kind hearted compassionate guy then I am not evil. If I am not evil then it is hard for one to want me to die. Thus causing one to reflect on their own morality. "Why do I want another human being to die?" It's easy to convince one self to support the death penalty and want someone to get executed when that person is a cold hearted killer. No one likes to be questioned; more so, have to question themselves. I am sure that at least one person reading this is thinking," I don't need a lesson in morality from a guy on death row!" ☺ If you think that, it is because you are becoming defensive. This means in your heart you know I am right! That is also why people are so quick to believe the media. After I read all the articles on me, I got cared of myself! ☺ Ha! It was hilarious though, as they presented such an image to be social conscience. Even though every single person that has known me my whole life said I was a kind hearted, loving person and all was totally shocked when they heard I got arrested for Murder! Something to think about. The Midland Newspaper supported Rick Perry as governor and supported George W. Bush! So it is safe to say they are biased and favor he prosecution. One reporter said I stole a car and kidnapped the neighbor's young children. When I read that I thought, "Damn when did I do that?" I must have been on some good drugs! Ha! Not really! The kidnapped two children were my girlfriend and the owner of the cars step son. All of whom was running away from home! They also reported about a riot that was started by me in juvenile prison. However they didn't report, "Why" it started. It started because of two guards attacked me and was kicking me while I was on the ground. A lot of other inmates came out to jump on the grounds. Then other guards came to assist those guards and it turned into a free for all out riot! Why did the guards attack me? I threw a phone and it almost hit a guard. I was not aiming it at the guard and she knew that. The two male guards just overreacted. The female guard even cussed them out for being stupid! (Nothing happened to her) There is always more to the story.
I am going to start wrapping this up. To everyone that would like to have the articles emails to them please send an email to my Loud and Clear email and request such. I might write an article once a week. I might write one twice a week. So if it is emailed to you, you won't miss one. I am going to try to write more articles so they are shorter. I have been meaning to write one about the “me” before I got this case and the "me" now. I am going to start writing one article about the system and then the next about myself and life as I see it and life in here. This was the articles will be shorter. With that I leave as I came and will be back next week so tune in, lock it down, and tell a friend.
Veni Vidi Vici Till the end and back I remain.
Clinton Young #999447
Polunsky Unit
3872 F.M. 350 South
Livingston, Texas 77351
PS If you think that you want to email me a question or suggestion or write me with such, because someone else most likely will. Well, guess what? That someone else is thinking exactly what you are thinking! Get the hint? Attention Hunger strike is under way on Polunsky Unit Death Row. Please see for details. Sadly, I am not participating in it. I lost 20 pounds on level two and three, so I can't afford to loose any more. Tell a friend!
Copyright © 2009 by Clinton Lee Young. All rights reserved
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